Thursday, November 5, 2009


Hello guys, miss me? I have been out of the online world since October 31, not because I want to or need to but because my old and trusted PC broke down and everything that hubby did failed to revive it, I think my rustic and beaten PC had left me for good this time. I don't know when I'll be back, as I don't know when I can buy another computer set, we're not that keen into spending at the moment as our only son's birthday is coming up as well as Christmas. But I do hope it'll be soon...

I'm writing this post with the help of a cellphone, I don't think I can blog without a regular PC, this short post took me an hour or more to do *sigh*.

Forget me not...


  1. Hi! I hope you get it fixed soon.

    Btw, I have added you to my links. Hope you can add me too. Thanks!


  2. mlech. I hate computers. (and i work on them every day!)

  3. welcome back dear!

    BTW! I would like to invite you to join my contest. It's so simple and will run for a short period of time only. I am giving away Gift Certificates (of your choice!) or $10 through paypal. Please check my site for details:
