Sunday, January 10, 2010

Back To Reality

After all the hassles and bustles of the Yuletide season, us adults, have no choice but to go back to reality. End of vacation and back to work/school, time to get back on the budget and other financial woes, time to pay the utility and credit card bills, time to compute and contemplate, time to plan and act and dream of that 11 month-away long break again when the breeze is cold and everyone is merry *sigh*.

I remember our (hubby and I) first 2010 night together, instead of reminiscing 2009 with a chuckle and roar as we used to do every start of the year, we were busy planning ahead, I guess, time really has change plus the fact that our kid is getting bigger and his needs and demands are more expensive and broader. We thought of getting a Temporary Insurance this year, we can't commit to a long term one just yet, as we haven't really sort out and settle our finances. I urged hubby to sell his Honda big bike or exchange it with a more family-friendly motorcycle or scooter, so he can bring and fetch our son to and from school in a jiffy (unlike with the car plus, I think, motorcycles need less gasoline) when he starts grade one in the big, far away school, okay, okay, I'm exaggerating a bit, but it's not as close as his preschool location, so it is a little far *lol*. It's also time to spend less and save more, at the moment, our son's tuition fee for a year cost 20k, uniform, field trip and other activity expenses not included, but when he go to the big school, the tuition will skyrocket to 40k or more, a hundred percent increase *sigh*. When I really think about all of these, I can't help but wish that I am rich... wish oh wish...

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