Saturday, December 11, 2010

The New Year and Absences

Hi guys, I've been out of the circulation yet again, well, you can blame it to my hormonal imbalances *grins* and of course, to my son's most-awaited Holiday/vacation. Another thing, it's now my giving birth month, so blogging as well as moving, is kinda getting harder. I just thought of posting something before full-time motherhood calls me back, and to greet everyone a Happy and Blessed New Year!

By the way, have I told you that I'm going to have a baby girl, yes I would *doing the happy dance*, not that I love my son less, it's just that I can practice all my artistic and fashion ideas now that I'll be having my own doll and model, can you feel my excitement? I was, actually, tinkering with an editing software these past few days, as I try to come out with a logo that I can use in my baby's dedication, I want it pretty and coordinated. I want a specific logo that will work as a visual and an all around theme of the event, I think that it is pretty nifty and one of a kind. It's kinda hard to explain it in details but I swear it's awesome in my mind, you just have to trust me *chuckles*.

I wish artistry and capability in graphic design runs in my blood, life would have been so much easier but what I lack in aesthetic capacity, I can cover with maternal love *grins*, and I can always go for a Logo Designers, there are some free and crafty ones that circulate the net, when all hope is gone. I still have a lot of time in my hands though, I'm scheduled to have a CS procedure on the 4th week of January, so I can still play the DIY momma for a while *beams*.

Oh, I will try to upload and post all my stock photos to clean my laptop, so expect a blast of entries from me, well, as long as laziness doesn't kick in.

Again, sorry for being an absentee blogger, I hope you all still love me nonetheless...

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