Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Goldilocks Cheese Roll

Sorry, I thought I just uploaded the picture and saved it as a draft, I am shock to find it posted, I don't even know what to click anymore *lol*.

I think Cheese Roll is a new offering of Goldilocks, I haven't seen them on the shelves before, but I don't think they are advertising it, unlike that of Red Ribbon which I have to grab one of these days. We bought these yummy goodies a month ago and I kind of forgot how much it cost already. My verdict? It passed, even my son loves it and he seldom take into a liking of pastries and bread.

It's great as a snack, as a baon for school, or just something to nibble on in between meals. I used to buy cheese rolls from Julie's, now I have another option, hurray to Goldilocks!

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