Saturday, January 9, 2010

A Post-Holiday Wish

I already know, so don't bother to point it out to me, who in their right mind would have a post-holiday wish? But whoever said that I am sane and functioning well *lol*.

These past few weeks, my world was turned upside down, as in the Holiday rush was super toxic. After the school break, which was super late, if I may say, imagine a school Christmas party on December 17, we were cramming to get our shopping done. Buying new stuff for our son, gifts for loved ones and friends, groceries for the days of feasting were just some of the tasks we had to do in a rush. After those, I had the sole responsibility to cook and prepare the menus for Christmas and New Year's feast while taking care of my very active son. Add a whooping migraine and bunches of sneezes and sniffles from me and a terrible cough from my son and you can clearly spell disaster. As I said it was toxic, imagine a sleep-deprived me on a vacation week, ugh, not pretty. Oh yes, I love to ramble and grumble but I did enjoy celebrating the Holiday with my family so no regrets, more than that, I received great gifts, so who am I to complain *grins*. But (it is a resounding but), I wish someone dear could have thought of surprising me with leather beds, it would have been nice to rest and get that much needed sleep in a new bed. So, to be on the safe side, here's my post-holiday wish, I can wait until December but if you can give it to me now, why delay *grins*?

Paging hubby...

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