Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Nifty Solution

As a blogger, I need to spend several hours of my time online, to update my blogs and to visit and comment back on those who left love on mine. Unfortunately for a mom like me, that is not easy, personally, I only have time to do my blogging chores and tasks when my kid is busy on his own, so I'm kinda always on a hurry. That being said, you wouldn't hold it against me if I told you that it bugs me to pieces when the blog I am visiting loads slower than a walking tortoise because of all the ads and widgets, right? Or are you experiencing the same and just as miff about it? Well, in my effort to find a solution to this problem, I found Adblock Plus for Google Chrome, it is an extension or plug-in that you can download onto your internet browser, it'll then block most of the ads on the websites that you visit, making the loading time of a page faster, making your net surfing better, with you seeing only the stuff and content that you are searching for. Pretty nifty eh?

1 comment:

  1. And it is actually a program that works, which is nice too for a change.
