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The New Year and Absences

>> Saturday, December 11, 2010

Hi guys, I've been out of the circulation yet again, well, you can blame it to my hormonal imbalances *grins* and of course, to my son's most-awaited Holiday/vacation. Another thing, it's now my giving birth month, so blogging as well as moving, is kinda getting harder. I just thought of posting something before full-time motherhood calls me back, and to greet everyone a Happy and Blessed New Year!

By the way, have I told you that I'm going to have a baby girl, yes I would *doing the happy dance*, not that I love my son less, it's just that I can practice all my artistic and fashion ideas now that I'll be having my own doll and model, can you feel my excitement? I was, actually, tinkering with an editing software these past few days, as I try to come out with a logo that I can use in my baby's dedication, I want it pretty and coordinated. I want a specific logo that will work as a visual and an all around theme of the event, I think that it is pretty nifty and one of a kind. It's kinda hard to explain it in details but I swear it's awesome in my mind, you just have to trust me *chuckles*.

I wish artistry and capability in graphic design runs in my blood, life would have been so much easier but what I lack in aesthetic capacity, I can cover with maternal love *grins*, and I can always go for a Logo Designers, there are some free and crafty ones that circulate the net, when all hope is gone. I still have a lot of time in my hands though, I'm scheduled to have a CS procedure on the 4th week of January, so I can still play the DIY momma for a while *beams*.

Oh, I will try to upload and post all my stock photos to clean my laptop, so expect a blast of entries from me, well, as long as laziness doesn't kick in.

Again, sorry for being an absentee blogger, I hope you all still love me nonetheless...


Newegg This Christmas

>> Friday, December 10, 2010

A few more days to go and it's Christmas, and though I love this season the most, I also feel wariness as the highest expenses our household have is during this festive season, not to mention, my son's birthday is celebrated at the same time the world celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, so double or triple the fun and loss of money for us *lol*. Seriously though, aside from the influx of stress, traffic, parties and number of friends and acquaintances, an influx in budget deficits is also acquired at this time, with all the extra food that we have to cook, extra ingredients and groceries that we have to buy, Christmas decors and paraphernalia, new clothes for the kids and sometimes for the kids at heart, gifts, lots and lots of gifts for everyone on the yearly Christmas list, our finances tend to go disarray, I'm not a money mongrel or something but at this time and age, being a little thrifty is almost a way of life, if you care to live long, with an erratic economy, everyone should be lucid and wise.

We can't just frown and let the season pass us by though, it's the season to be happy so spending is but necessary but staying in budget or saving a few dollars won't hurt either right? In a way being techie and/or internet savvy has its perks, like finding out ways to save some moolah through Newegg coupons, imagine having the same products but in a price that is a bit more wallet-friendly. I know I would love that, in a world where material things matter, as much as we may not want to admit it, having stuff and saving some money at the same time is a great deal. Finding various Newegg promo codes is technically easy, all you have to do is surf the site and browse through the number of promos and coupons available and voila, you're one step closer to that much-wanted purchase. I know that sales, price cuts and discounts are not that rare, but I kind of think that during this season, business owners tend to cling to that season of giving hullabaloo that's why they give out more *grins*.

I still have a long way to go before I can finish my Christmas list, I don't have much time but aside from some financial incapabilities, trudging in the sweat-reeked mall and traffic-infested roads made me more distant of shopping, aaah, I think, I had become an introvert. Anyway, I still have the Newegg promo code to back me up, so all is not lost. Online shopping here I come.


About Me

I am a wife to the sweetest person on Earth and a mother to the cutest baby boy in the planet. I love reading literary books but I have an addiction in contemporary/renaissance romance novels. I am a video game aficionado in the truest sense of the word. I love to travel the world, if and only given the opportunity. I don't know how to cook (but I'm slowly learning) so there's a fascination with take-outs and dine-ins. I could go on and on but I guess you had enough *lol*.

My Blog List

  • New Pasta Experience at Pizza Hut - Hubby, son and I went to the mall a few weeks ago to celebrate a little, you see, my son topped his class (again) this quarter, so to give him a little inc...
    14 years ago
  • Coffee Jelly - A no-cook, no-bake dessert. Mix, chill and serve, yup, that easy! before chilling Ingredients: - jelly (gulaman) powder - coffee - condense milk ...
    13 years ago
  • I Like It Green - originally posted by Ian Sengco *** taken in Malibu, Pandi, Bulacan on September 2009, using a Sony Cybershot T20.
    15 years ago
  • Laughtrip - HAHAHA, it will be a waste not to share this one... I'm watching Twilight on 0ne of our local channels at the moment but I'm dreaming of the final Harry ...
    13 years ago


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