Frostings Cupcakes
>> Saturday, September 19, 2009

(clockwise from top left: Sansrival, Double Dutch, Choco Strawberry, Belgian Chocolate, Dulce de Leche, White Chocolate)
One of those take home goodies from my brother, and I must say all these cupcakes are to die for but, of course, I still have a favorite - in this batch it is Sansrival.
5 out of 5
5 out of 5
I'm crazy about s'mores and lemon meringue..
Oh so Yummy!!!
tried it before.. so-so.. didn't really like it.. parang not the "wow" reaction. :)
I'd say 10 out of 5. :D
Milk Chocolate, Lemon Meringue and Dulce de Leche is LOVE.
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