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Lights and Blinds

>> Monday, September 20, 2010

For a woman who's just starting to love the art and science of cooking, a nice and efficient kitchen is necessary, going for a perfect one spells trouble, so like always, I only go for the minimal ones. My kitchen is not that big but it is spacious enough to move and work around; it is not as modern as I want it to be but I have worthy and useful appliances and gadgets; it is not as pretty as I would want it to be but it has its own charm, it's basically a kitchen that works for me.

One of the basics of a befitting kitchen in my book is one that has clear and adequate lighting as it makes cooking and other food preps easy on my semi-working eyes. Though electricity-induced lighting is okay, I still believe that lights emitted by the sun is the best thus my craving for a bigger window in our kitchen. I would love to have a glass-slide window that can light up my whole kitchen in the morning, enabling me to save on electricity and giving me that vibrant feel. I would then, put on some Cheap Roman Blinds to counter its brightness during its peak on afternoons and to silhouette the place at night. Ain't that bad for a dream, right?

If only we can snap our fingers and all our wishes can come true...


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About Me

I am a wife to the sweetest person on Earth and a mother to the cutest baby boy in the planet. I love reading literary books but I have an addiction in contemporary/renaissance romance novels. I am a video game aficionado in the truest sense of the word. I love to travel the world, if and only given the opportunity. I don't know how to cook (but I'm slowly learning) so there's a fascination with take-outs and dine-ins. I could go on and on but I guess you had enough *lol*.

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