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New Year, New Template

>> Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I decided to change my blog template, it's a new year so my need to have a different template is but justified *grins*, kung ang ibang tao, may dialogue na 'bagong taon ay magbagong buhay, sa akin naman, 'bagong taon magbago ng look', hahaha... seriously, I'm really focus on changing my looks, I started with my blog coz it's the easiest to do, also, I am on my 3rd day of lesser food intake, not necessarily a diet, I'm just eating a little less that I usually do and I am eating more fruits than I usually do and like. I even picked a simple look for my blog as I plan to live simply this year, well, hubby and son included, of course. My son and husband could use a little tummy-trimming themselves so this could end up to be a family affair, I just hope we can stick to it for the whole year. Oh well, I hate to ramble but I can't help it *lol*.

I hope you all like my new template, it is simple, clean and pleasing to the eyes, as it is basically white, you're eyes won't be strain and my photos look better, too *grins*. But, there's a little problem though, I wasn't able to save my Foodie List, I was able to reinstate and link those who put their links in the comment section of my Foodies Wanted post but the others I completely lost, so if you were once in my link list and I am in yours, be sure to live some mark in the comment section and I'll immediately add you up. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Now, let 2010 begins... May we all have a prosperous, peaceful and happy new year! I almost forgot, may we taste and enjoy more food and dishes this year! Cheers!

I plan to monetize this blog beginning this year, I just want all of my friends, readers and followers to know, so, you wouldn't be shock to find articles that are out of my niche. I would continue to have food posts, of course, but from time to time, you can expect something out of the ordinary to pop in here. I hope it's okay *unsure smile*?


Nita January 9, 2010 at 3:42 AM  

Hi there, thanks for dropping by. I'm here to return the favor.


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About Me

I am a wife to the sweetest person on Earth and a mother to the cutest baby boy in the planet. I love reading literary books but I have an addiction in contemporary/renaissance romance novels. I am a video game aficionado in the truest sense of the word. I love to travel the world, if and only given the opportunity. I don't know how to cook (but I'm slowly learning) so there's a fascination with take-outs and dine-ins. I could go on and on but I guess you had enough *lol*.

My Blog List

  • New Pasta Experience at Pizza Hut - Hubby, son and I went to the mall a few weeks ago to celebrate a little, you see, my son topped his class (again) this quarter, so to give him a little inc...
    14 years ago
  • Coffee Jelly - A no-cook, no-bake dessert. Mix, chill and serve, yup, that easy! before chilling Ingredients: - jelly (gulaman) powder - coffee - condense milk ...
    13 years ago
  • I Like It Green - originally posted by Ian Sengco *** taken in Malibu, Pandi, Bulacan on September 2009, using a Sony Cybershot T20.
    15 years ago
  • Laughtrip - HAHAHA, it will be a waste not to share this one... I'm watching Twilight on 0ne of our local channels at the moment but I'm dreaming of the final Harry ...
    13 years ago


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